The Area
Committee MEMBERS
We need your support
As with any successful organisation, the CRA needs the support of every one of its residents. This is vitally important, as the greater the support it has from its residents and businesses, the greater is its mandate and voice to truly ensure an enhanced, unthreatened lifestyle that meets our needs and sustains property values.
There are two basic means of supporting the CRA
- Become a paid-up member
- Become a member who is more active in the affairs of the CRA by becoming a member of the committee or a sub-committee.
Our income is mainly derived from subs paid, although in recent years additional income streams have been explored [eg an affinity arrangement with a short-term insurance company / broker] with a view to being able to employ an area manager / administrator. Audited statements are presented annually at the CRA’s Annual General Meeting.
Goals of the CRA
promote and protect
The residential nature of the Craigpark area
promote, protect & foster
The collective interests of all members, residents, property owners and businesses in the suburbs of Craighall and Craighall Park
note all matters
Of public importance and their effect on the suburbs of Craighall and Craighall Park, especially in matters of conversion of land use, safety, social, economic, health and recreation
make necessary representation
To the responsible authorities and parties on the part of its residents and businesses to combat negative activities, and to improve all facets of existing local facilities
Who is eligible for membership?
Any person who is eighteen years or older and is an owner or occupier of land or buildings within the suburb boundaries is entitled to be registered as a member of the association.
Functions and Portfolios
The functions of the CRA have grown over the years, particularly since local government structural changes in 1994 have led to local communities – viz. residents – having a greater say in, and control over, their own affairs. Its workload and its importance to residents has therefore dramatically increased.
Today, the committee of the CRA comprises approximately 15 voluntary members divided into some 12 portfolios, some of which have their own sub-committee to deal with specific issues.
The portfolios are largely filled by professionals active in their related fields, and the CRA is very proud to have the dedicated voluntary services of such people.