Craigpark  Residents’ Association

doing better together for craigpark

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For the last few years Lance Drake has been ably supervising Simon Maphonga and Isaac Mahlangu, the CRA’s 2 maintenance workers. These men travel very far to work tirelessly in the heat and cold to keep our suburb clean and beautiful. Their work contributes significantly to security, property prices and enables our residents to use the parks daily for a multitude of activities. Simon Maphonga has been working for the CRA for 6 years and lives in Springs. Isaac Mahlangu lives in Cosmos and has been employed for 5 years. They are very friendly and a pleasure to work with.

The most recent project undertaken has been the Westminster/Cambridge intersection in Craighall Park. The pavements and curbs were a complete mess: overgrown with weeds and alien bushes, covered with litter, bottles, unkempt and unpleasant for people wanting to walk safely rather than in the road. It now looks much better and is not an eyesore on a major thoroughfare in Craighall Park.

Craigpark is fortunate to have wonderful green lung spaces: from the 104-acre Delta Park to the smaller parks like Hugh Wyndham Park bordering on Dunkeld, the Hamilton Park bordering on Parkhurst, and the river frontage near Old Parktonians sports club. These parks have been upgraded by various people with signage, rubbish bins, benches, planting, dispensers of bags for collecting dog-poop and in Hugh Wyndham Park, along with the Hugh Wyndham Park Committee, the playground has been fenced off, ensuring a safe space for younger kids. And, of course, there has been ongoing maintenance on these spaces – grass cutting, watering, rubbish clearing, repairing of perimeter poles, etc.

The CRA and local residents along with Simon and Isaac work constantly to keep our area in good condition. We often underestimate both the importance of this as well as how much a committed individual can truly change things as this article – Reviving Johannesburg: Bringing back the parks.- highlights.  So imagine what we can achieve working together as a community!